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Bunker Guild.
Troll World
Naéla Stone Naéla Stone

League Winner.
Troll World
League winner first time League winner first time
League winner secnod time League winner second time
League winner secnod time League winner third time
League winner secnod time League winner fourth time
League winner secnod time League winner fifth time

Special Awards.
Imp Award Imp Award


Dracos Runeweaver, from the long line of powerful Runeweaver mages. As a child Dracos enjoyed the freedom the wilds would provide. Runing about and trying to nab pixies (always getting shocked in the process) and any other mischief a young lad could find. The time came when he was old enough to choose a life path as his father would call it. Being of a carefree nature dracos wanted to join the local druid guild and become one with nature but alas his father scoffed at such lowly ideas and instead inrolled him in the Famed Xhodon Fatecasters university. Such powerful mages and their better then thou attitudes did not set well with dracos and he was quick to find himself a outcast. Many was the day he would roam the forest to be free of the studies pushed upon him at the university. After one such frustrating day (being the target of a prank) dracos sought the woods once more to relax. As he was wondering the forest he came upon a Pixie flying down the path. As his temper was not settled at the time he lashed out at the pixie with a quick lightning bolt. As fate would have it, the pixie was no ordinary pixie but indeed the Queen pixie of the area. The queens magic was very strong and the bolt was absorbed into her aura. Almost instantly the bolt emerged from the aura charged with both magic of the pixie and Dracos magicial summoning. He awake later that night to find his body infused with powerful magics unknown before in the lands. Such powerful magic did not come at a small price for Dracos's sanity was then questionable to say the least. At times going into fits of mischief by summoning flying monkies and sending them to attack or generally harass anything that he would find great joy in. Only time will tell how this once lowly mage will handle the great powers now at his beck and call.......