Felúndin Box

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The Feldúin box shows current messages to all users. You can leave messages there, but also it shows diplomacy messages and important news.

The Box is shown on the left side of you palace screen.

If you click on the topic of a message, you'll be linked to the thread in the forum, where you can answer or comment the message.

Player messages

Messages which are written by other players will rotate seven days in the Feldúin box.

Writing a message in the Feldúin box costs the author the mana production of an hour of his main palace, without bonuses. The costs of writing a message is shown in the window "compose message", which appears, if you click on the "compose" button on the at bottom the Feldúin box.

This messages are subjected to the rules of the forum.

Diplomacy section

The diplomacy box shows you the current news of

of the forum. This messages are written automatically.

News section

Current news of the administrators are shown under the topic important.