User talk:Zhangpan

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Revision as of 04:41, 3 June 2011 by Zhangpan (Talk | contribs) (permanence is impermanence: new section)

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For several weeks now we have witnessed people all over the center East demonstrating and protesting about getting ruled by greedy dictators. They connect a longing to possess democracy and independence and I wish they attain their goals of self-rule, enhanced financial chance and liberty. But what is genuine freedom, the sort that permits us for getting zero price tag even within prison walls? That independence arises from the worldwide recognition of reality and non-attachment to our desires.

permanence is impermanence

First let’s explore worldwide recognition of reality. reality can only be perceived in present instant consciousness. all through the present instant it is feasible to determine that every little thing is moving, vibrating and changing. Impermanence could be the only constant. All troubles and all beings appear and go. The closest troubles we should constancy are our inhale and our consciousness as well as these appear and go within our existence and sooner or after pass away. Even the sun, even the universe alone have appear into getting and will pass away from being. If this could be the dynamics of reality what are we clinging to? We cling to some desire of permanence. however it is only a dream. The only permanence is impermanence. It is as though we are free-falling through emptiness.